Monday, July 27, 2015

Tomato Egg

This time, I am following this youtube video on how to cook tomato egg!
It is really a yummy and no-hassle dish. 

To prepare:
2 tomatoes
4 eggs
1 tsp salt
1.5 tsp sugar

and that is all. Oh my gosh it is so simple. 

1) Cut tomatoes into 1/8. Whisk the eggs evenly, adding in some salt and pepper to taste. Add adequate amount of oil in the wok and swirl it around. 

[I am not sure if you can gauge from the picture but it is probably about two tablespoons. In the video, it also stated 2 tablespoon of oil but it looks like there is a lot more. This prevents the egg from sticking to the pan.]

2) Once the oil is heated, pour in the egg. After it is cooked up till 50% done, you can cut and stir the egg into smaller pieces. Push them to the side of the wok.

[Apparently, the lady can make the egg swirl in the wok. I think it's due to the amount of oil used, because the egg was stuck in my wok. Do not stir the eggs too quickly, if not it won't have the nice browning taste.]

3) Add in the chopped tomatoes and stir-fry a little. Sprinkle the salt, and then sugar onto the tomatoes. Stir fry the tomatoes to mix well.

[According to the video, adding the seasoning to the tomato itself gives it the flavour, coming out from the juice it produces. Adding the seasoning to the egg would make it more salty.]

4) Mix the egg and tomatoes together. Cover the lid and simmer for about a minute.

[I added a little water to make the dish slightly more moist. In the video, it produced more gravy, which might be due to the oil.]

The end result: delicious egg flavoured with sweet and sour tomato goodness.
The picture looks ugly but don't judge it by its appearance!

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