Friday, September 19, 2014

So there's this pest called cockroach...

This is linked to my most recent post on 20 things about me. I stated that I see cockroaches almost every night in my kitchen right. I think it may be because of our dustbin being built inside instead of outside. So here's the most horrible thing that happened yesterday! (other than a cockroach being on my foot some time ago)

At 4am, I was preparing to go to bed after watching my HK drama. As I squatted down near my bag that was right beside my bed, I spotted a normal sized cockroach on my hoodie on the floor O.O. I remained as calm as possible, while trying to cover the creature inside my hoodie so I can bring it outside the room. After the hoodie was left outside the room, I took a clothes stick to lift up my hoodie, attempting to shake the roach out. No sign of it. I left my hoodie outside and went back to the room. 

THE MOST WTF THING HAPPENED. It got on MY BED. What why how what to do!! I suspect it could fly. What would you do if you are scared of it? So I told myself, I have to attack it, if not it will disappear and who knows don't know appear where again. I couldn't use insecticide on my bed and the thought of it dying on my bed is disgusting. 

Using the stick that I was holding, I dragged and swept it off the bed. EWWWWWW, it dragged on my bed T.T. When it dropped back on the floor, it ran into the corner under my bed. Quickly and frantically, I went to retrieve my weapon, the baygon spray. Aiming at it, I sprayed. But there was a distance, so it took quite awhile for it to stop moving. Like 15 seconds before it was dead. I can't give it any chance to survive. As long as it keeps moving, I keep spraying. I kept saying, why are you not dead yet. I was sweaty after the whole battle with it. I was breathing very hard. I didn't want to kill, but it had to come into my territory and I had no choice.

After that, I couldn't bring myself to sleep on my bed. My room smells of insecticide anyway. Although the smell is made to be pleasant, it's ultimately toxic right. I stayed on the living room sofa. Couldn't sleep there either because I felt uneasy. Cockroaches will usually reach the living room before it comes into my room. Watched a movie and finally fell asleep at 7am. Headed to my parent's room after they were awake. T.T.

So much fear, anger and frustration because of one ass cockroach. This is one FML part of my life.

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