Sunday, June 22, 2014

Marriage is a commitment

Baby's friend got married today. It was held at Trinity Christian Center.

The family members, bridesmaids, followed by the bride walked out separately. The bride's father handed her over to the groom. A speech was then given by the pastor. They made their vows to each other, exchanged their rings, and kissed. They are now man and wife. Of course, my description is way too brief haha. 

The bride and groom thanked some people for their help with the wedding. I teared when the bride thanked her mum [partly because she was choking with tears too]. I don't even know them but weddings always touches my heart. Somehow, I can put myself in their shoes, feeling their happiness, bliss and excitement towards a new life together. I hope I have my turn some day. [I mean you can't say for sure, life is unpredictable]. On that day, I don't think I will be able to control my tears very well. I will be starting a brand new life with the love of my life. I will be grateful to my parents who raised me up, and realized that they have grown old. And I will be thankful for the close friends and relatives who have come to share my joy. But all of these, shall remain as my dream for now.

This is the first wedding baby and I attended together. It's really a nice feeling, to feel like you are a union. It's "us" instead of "I" and "you". And I love that. 

Things did'nt end very well tonight. And these are my thoughts.
 原来我很怕你生我的气, 但更怕你不理我。 
As your gf, I have changed a lot, but maybe just not enough. 

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